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Sixth Form Life

As a Sixth Former at TKA you will enjoy more freedom and independence than previously experienced in school, but continue to work within the structured and supportive environment of the wider academy.

We want you to take greater ownership of your learning so you can develop and pursue interests both in the curriculum and outside of it with more commitment and passion.

A typical day as a Sixth Form student at TKA:


Arrive at school early to finish off the final bits and a read through of a History essay due for today. Drop into the canteen for some breakfast. Catch-up with friends in the Sixth Form hub.


Tutor Time: working on your UCAS application with your form tutor, who has checked it through and has some feedback for you.


Period 1: Maths Lesson. Working on finding the turning points of a cubic graph using different methods. Fun, but hard!


Period 2: Study Period - register in the Sixth Form Study Centre. Get started on that Maths homework set during Period 1. 


Break: grab a snack from the canteen and head to the hub for a chat with your friends.


Period 3: History Lesson. Handing in your essay and looking at a model answer together.


Period 4: Unsupervised Study. Head to the Sixth Form hub to work collaboratively with other Media Studies students on a group.


Lunch: Head out to Ham parade with your friends to grab a bite to eat or take a picnic to the river.


Period 6: Media Studies. Working on your Non-Examined Assessment to develop your Media Portfolio.


P7: Unsupervised Study. Using your Sixth Form pass head home early to finish off that homework for tomorrow.


In the Sixth Form, your relationships with teachers will also change. Rather than being entirely dependent on their knowledge, we expect you to enter into more mature learning partnerships in which you will be challenged to be responsible for your own learning, identifying and completing wider reading where appropriate and responding with commitment to the demands made of you. 

We will continue to have high expectations of your attendance and punctuality as well as the quality and regularity of your work, so that you can achieve your full potential whilst at TKA.


Sixth Form Policies