We are thrilled to share some incredible news with you following the release last week of the National performance tables. The Kingston Academy has been ranked 32nd out of 6,454 secondary schools across the country for student progress. This places us firmly in the top 0.5% of all schools nationwide—a truly outstanding achievement! You can find the data linked here.
This ranking reflects our students' exceptional progress during their time at TKA, a testament to their dedication, the unwavering support of families, and the tireless efforts of our incredible staff. We are immensely proud of our young people for their hard work and determination.
Our Sixth Form has also achieved phenomenal results sitting within the top 3% of all sixth forms nationally. This is the first year we have a Level 3 Value Added measure, and we are delighted to report that TKA is among the highest-ranked Sixth Forms in the country, sitting at 112th out of over 4,500.
With these outcomes it is perhaps no surprise to see TKA topping the table for Kingston and Richmond for GCSE results and (nearly) topping the tables for A Level achievement based on progress - not bad for a Sixth Form just four years in to its conception, building on the exceptional endeavours lower down our school. You can find a local comparison table linked here. This certainly validates the confidence you demonstrated when you elected to entrust your child’s education to TKA, a responsibility we endeavour to deliver on each and every day.
These results highlight the high expectations, ambition, and excellence that define TKA. Thank you for being part of this journey—we are so proud to share this success with you.