Notice of Increase to the school's Published Admission Number (PAN)

The board of Kingston Educational Trust, as admissions authority for the school, has approved a permanent increase in its Year 7 PAN from 180 to 210 with effect from September 2025.


Public Consultation on Admission Arrangements for 2026/27

Note: This consultation has now closed and the trust board of Kingston Educational Trust, as admissions authority for the school, will now consider the outcome and determine the school's admissions arrangements for 2026/27

The Kingston Academy: Consultation on Admission Arrangements for 2026/27

Kingston Educational Trust, as the admissions authority for the school is consulting on admissions arrangements for 2026/27.  

The proposed changes are:

Sixth Form: Year 12 Admissions Arrangements (proposed changes are shown tracked in the copy linked here . A version with the changes included but not tracked is linked here):

  1. To reduce the overall Year 12 intake from 150 to 120 students, with a reduced Published Admission Number for external applicants of a minimum of 10 places (reduced from 20 places). 

  2. Details have been added setting out how the minimum entry and course requirements will be applied where young people have been educated abroad and do not have GCSEs;

  3. Clarification added that children of staff must live at the same home address to qualify under the staff oversubscription criteria;

  4. Other minor changes and movement of text for increased clarity.

Year 7 Admissions Arrangements (proposed changes are shown tracked in the copy linked here):

  1. Clarification added that children of staff must live at the same home address to qualify under the staff oversubscription criteria;

  2. Other minor changes and movement of text for increased clarity.

To let us know your views, please use the consultation response form linked here or if you prefer send by post to: 

        Admissions Consultation

       The Kingston Academy

       Richmond Road KT2 5PE 

Please note the deadline for receipt of responses to the consultation is midday Tuesday 3 December. Following this date, the Trust Board will consider all comments and determine the admissions arrangements.

Application Process

The Kingston Academy  is an academy, operated by Kingston Educational Trust which is the admissions authority for the school.

Applications are coordinated and accepted on behalf of the school by the Royal Borough of Kingston (including in-year applications). If there are more applications than the number of places available applications are ranked  in accordance with the school’s oversubscription criteria, which form part of its admissions arrangements linked below. 

Further information about the application process, including changing school in-year, can be found on the Kingston School Admissions website or by contacting Kingston School Admissions:


How places have been offered in previous years (provided for guidance only. The number of applications received and the overall situation changes from year-to-year)

Admissions 24aAdmissions 24b


Please click on the links below to view the detailed admissions arrangements for the school.